23 August 2011

Is The Heart Getting It's Money Worth?

Is it actually safe to ask “Is my heart getting it’s money worth”? I mean, is your significant other aware of the damage they may be doing to you. I feel sometimes you try so hard to do right and it does not end up the way you imagined; in fact it turns to the outcome you wanted to avoid!!! A lot of times you don’t feel they understand you or just so stuck in their world and their defense that they don’t care to understand (not purposely). In every situation their is a flame that was ignited by one of the two in the couple. Most of the time when that individual is pointed out, the flame turns into a damn forest fire! You may keep throwing water, salt, or even get the fire extinguisher……but this fire ain’t going out that easy. Me personally; I can’t stand arguments. I don’t ever feel that the problem is really solved, that is why the arguments surface AGAIN. You may think the conclusion is near and that the problem was solved but I doubt it. Yes communication plays a big part in that, but who honestly believes that during an argument a MAN or WOMAN is going to give in without a fight? Even if they are silent that does not mean that they are not fighting. Frustration also pours gasoline in the fire too. I swear sometimes no matter how in love you are, the other individual would love to see you burn, just a bit! Of course after they see you are getting burned they may try to help, but the fact that they burned you in the first place is enough. I am the type of person that stays mad for a while. I be damned if you going to curse me out when I may not even be in the wrong; you apologize, then everything is all peachy…….NEGRO PLEASE! Throughout the course of my life, during my relationship period, I have grown greatly, and I don’t care if no one tells me but I know I have. I use to ignore an argument without a care in the world, but now I actually attempt to fix it so that an understanding can be agreed upon. Sometimes; well a lot of times you may feel that it is not even worth it, that you can find better, when you not even sure that the BETTER half of you is getting away because of an ego or foolishness. That is where the question comes in……”Is my heart getting it’s money worth”. Honestly it’s up to you, because at the end of the day it is your life, that YOU have to live.

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