23 August 2011

To Compromise or Not To Compromise............

I feel the growth in a relationship always starts with someone compromising as well as admitting their wrong doings and willing to try to fix them together. A lot of couples I have seen, tend to brush little things aside instead of working through them; not to say I haven’t done it in the past but I realized that addressing the matter and trying to make it right while understanding what was wrong, is better for the long haul. I have talked to a number of females with relationship issues that don’t care to compromise or grow from issues so the problem pushes the man away. I also talked to males who don’t like to admit they were wrong so compromising isn’t even in the picture. Let me stop using this word relationship so loosely. I know when people date they think that it is a relationship when in actuality it isn’t; it’s a partnership. A relationship is defined as a connection between persons by blood or Marriage, not dating. Dating is the practice for a relationship, so in the dating phase, when problems surface, attempting to solve them will be the practice test. Then that is where I feel compromising comes in. Compromising is a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing parties. For all those slow people out there, that sums down to settling a disagreement that can allow both people to be equal in emotion not particularly happy but by the both of you being able to understand what happened and how it can be changed so that it does not happen again. In other situations, giving up something you may not want to give up to make the other person happy. All partnerships and relationships should talk to one another because communication is the route to understanding.

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