23 August 2011

I'm Going To Buy Your Loving

Chicks do some dumb stuff to get a dude and to keep him. I will never understand why be shy to ask a guy what he wants or what his interest are? Communication is the root to all relationships. That is the reason people cheat because they have inner issues that they do not want to discuss with their significant other, so they move on to someone that can fulfill his wants and needs off the top. So what does the girl do to get this guy she is with to stay with her…..actually what does the girl THINK she has to do to get this guy to stay with her? I seen some chicks buy clothes, shoes, take him out, cars, loans, and that ultimate Judge Judy case…..”that nigga owe me rent” (of course it’s after they broke up).

Why do you feel the need to buy all these things? Yea you want your man to look nice but let that fool clothe himself!!! You buying sneakers & drawls, nigga don’t care about none of that stuff. Material things does not equal LOVE….DOES NOT! Just watch them court shows, I bet each one of them is an individual suing someone they use to date and they want all their stuff back! Ignorant, huh? Yes it is!!! You the dummy that bought the stuff because you thought he would stay, then you caught him riding some chick around in the whip you got him……….broads now-a-days. In the course of 5 years, my husband and I have done so many things that didn’t cost us a dime and we have had so much fun doing them. I try to tell females these days how a man operates but they just don’t listen. I think our relationship is so successful (and I thank God for this) because we talk, we have joint goals, we know money don’t buy love……..just a quick thought I thought I would share. Just think before you invest in a guy; don’t give him your whole wallet just so that he can see you interested. Tell him you interested instead, it will save you time, energy, and court cost!

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